‘I REFUSE To Pay For My Son’s Wedding After He Said He Wants His Stepfather To Walk Down The Aisle With Us’

A frustrated father has revealed why he refused to pay for his son’s wedding after he found out that his son wanted his stepfather to walk down the aisle with them.

Taking to Reddit, the unnamed dad explained that he and the mother of his son were divorced but he always made efforts to be a good father.

“When I left the Army I spent every moment I could with my boy. We still have a good relationship,” he continued.


His ex-wife then remarried to a guy named Steven, who treated his son Karter well.

“Karter’s getting married to his fiancé ‘Clark’ 25M at the end of next month. My ex and Steven are kinda strapped for cash and Clark’s family isn’t exactly wealthy so they asked me if I’d foot the bill. I agreed cause of course I’d do anything for my boy,” he went on.

But when he found out that his son wants to include him and his stepfather in the ceremony, he immediately changed his mind about the offer.

“Come to find out yesterday that Karter wants both me and Steven to walk him down the aisle. That honestly really p****d me off you know cause I’m Karter’s actual dad and I’m paying for everything and I’ve always been there for him. It hurt a lot that he’d want some step-parent to walk him down the aisle.”

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“I told him that I wouldn’t pay for the wedding if Steven walks him down the aisle. My ex is p****d and thinks I’m being selfish but, my dad thinks I should push harder,” he added.

People on Reddit supported the son’s decision and urged the furious father to rethink.

One person commented: “It’s not about you. It’s about your kid. Who loves BOTH his dads who have been there the majority of his life.”

Another said: “If Karter said ONLY the step-dad will be walking him down the aisle that’s another thing. But he wants BOTH his father figures to walk him down the aisle and that’s perfectly reasonable.”

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