Category: Health

Can We Smell Death? The Mysterious Connection Between Our Nose and Mortality

Can We Smell Death? The Mysterious Connection Between Our Nose and Mortality

Death has always been a topic surrounded by mystery and unease. As humans, we have always sought to understand and anticipate the end of life. Surprisingly, scientific research suggests that our sense of smell may […]

“When, after 10 years of hopeless attempts, I finally gave birth to triplets at the age of 48, instead of congratulating me, everyone around started criticizing me.”

“When, after 10 years of hopeless attempts, I finally gave birth to triplets at the age of 48, instead of congratulating me, everyone around started criticizing me.”

I am forty-eight years old, and six months ago, I gave birth to triplets. It was a tremendous joy for me and my husband. For the past ten years, I had been trying to get […]