‘I’m Suing My Parents After They Stole From My College Fund To Pay For My Brother’s Wedding’

A young woman revealed that she is suing her parents after they stole from her college fund to pay for her brother’s wedding.

As the lady in question revealed, her great-aunt left her a lot of money to fund her education because she wanted her to succeed in life even though her family’s culture allegedly doesn’t value education in women.

“She lived with her father in London where she was educated. She went on to attend university and became a doctor,” the young woman explained in her viral Reddit post.


“She married a British man, they moved to America and had a great life. She funded the education of as many of her nieces and grand nieces as she could.

“When she passed away she left money for every girl relative she could. My parents managed to access the accounts that were set up for my sister and I.”

The poster went on to claim that her parents stole almost all of the money from her and her sister’s college fund to pay for their brother’s wedding among other things.


While her sister didn’t mind it much because she didn’t plan on studying anyway, the woman revealed she was left gobsmacked when her dreams to go to a good university came to an end when she found only $13,000 was left on her account.

“I asked my parents about it and they said they had needed the money. I finally found out where the money went. I got furious. I got student loans and moved out. I am a great source of shame to them and I don’t give two f**ks,” she continued.

“I am currently suing them for the money that was left for me. My entire family is against me. They all think I am a complete a***** for airing private family business in public. And that I am putting money ahead of family.”


While the woman admitted that all of her friends are on her side, she suggested her family would never agree with her because of their “culture.”

“My brother called me up and offered to pay for my university if I drop the lawsuit. I agreed as long as we had a legally binding contract. He said I was being an a***** for not trusting him. I said he should not have accepted my money for his wedding. It is causing all kinds of embarrassment in our community,” she concluded.

“I am somewhat ashamed to be doing this but I don’t want to have this debt I should not have.”

After asking Reddit for advice, the woman was quickly reassured that she was not in the wrong for fighting for the money that was left to her.

Viewers also slammed the girl’s parents and accused them of committing a criminal offense by stealing money from their daughter.

Source – Reddit

“I’m sorry but this is a criminal matter. If this was for a American university, you talking 200k to 300K. Theft of that much is jail time,” someone said.

“If you have a chance to start life without student debt you do whatever you can to do that. Your parents, and I’m sorry but their culture, sound completely toxic. I’m glad you got out,” another wrote.

A third suggested: “It’s good of the brother to offer to return the money. If he genuinely means it, then the contract shouldn’t be an issue for him. I agree the fact he won’t sign implies he just wants OP to stop ‘embarrassing’ the family. Don’t stop. Your parents only thought about themselves, so you need to put yourself first too.”

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