Married Couple Who Had Been Waiting For Children For Years Didn’t Know They Have To ‘Make Love’ First

There is no doubt that the house is always full of laughter with children around.

Even their sneezes are funny, and parents get to play again not for competition but for fun. Bedtime always ends with a round of kisses, hugs, and I-love-you’s, and it’s true that being a parent makes one a better person.

But one couple who had been waiting for years to have children did not realize that they needed to have sex first to conceive, an NHS nurse has revealed.


59-year-old Rachael Hearson, an NHS nurse, health visitor and midwife for over 40 years, has shared bizarre, hilarious and heartwarming stories from her time teaching healthcare and visiting families in her new book, Handle With Care: Confessions of an NHS Health Visitor.

In an interview with the Mirror, Hearson said: “They had been married for some years but children “hadn’t come along”. The GP deduced they didn’t know how to make babies, and it was my job to ensure they did.”

Rachael Hearson, 59

She added: “They genuinely thought babies arrived as a result of simply “being married” and had no clue. Teaching someone about sex is quite a responsibility. But within a couple of visits, the pair couldn’t keep their hands off each other.”

One internet user commented: “Sooo you’re telling me storks don’t deliver them anymore. 5 years my wife has been standing on our doorstep I better tell her to come inside.”

Rachael Hearson

Another wrote: “If they didn’t know how to make babies, then she would have one hell of a shock when she finally works out how to make one and has to push it out of her in a lot of pain lol This couple wouldn’t be able to look after a child if they are clueless on how to make one!!”

A third added: “It’s true, I work in ss and some people with LDs get married and know nothing about sex.”


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